有关存的行为准则,请参阅 在这里
存 is firmly committed to preserving the safety and soundness of its operations and protecting its reputation in the global financial community. 存 also acknowledges its important role in furthering efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. 符合银行保密法(BSA)的适用规定和全球要求, 存建立的标准包括:
- 书面反洗钱(AML)政策和程序;
- 遵守“了解你的客户”计划;
- 合理设计的操作程序,以满足“反洗钱”和“全球制裁”的筛选责任;
- 调查和适当报告可疑活动;
- Training; and
- 独立测试
Further details about 存’s compliance with these requirements are provided via the Wolfsberg 反洗钱 Questionnaire:
The UK Financial Conduct Authority (葬礼) has reaffirmed central assumption that firms cannot rely on 伦敦银行间拆放款利率 being published after the end of 2021. 在这一点上, 所有公司都应该做好伦敦银行间拆放款利率无法使用的准备, 同时强烈鼓励市场参与者转向其他无风险利率.
存一直参与美国的金融危机.S. Federal Reserve Bank's Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) since the creation of a secured overnight financing rate (“SOFR”) and participates with the Operational Working Group and its sub-groups. SOFR is a benchmark interest rate for dollar-denominated derivatives and loans that is expected to replace London inter-bank offered rate (伦敦银行间拆放款利率).
存已经审查了伦敦银行间拆放款利率停止对其业务的影响. 虽然对通过存业务处理的事务有影响, 对存操作没有影响. 以下是存审查的概述:
存 SIFMU业务:
- NSCC -不利用伦敦银行间拆放款利率(或其他IBOR)基准利率进行贸易输入或处理.
- FICC -不利用伦敦银行间拆放款利率(或其他IBOR)基准利率进行贸易输入或处理.
- 直接转矩 -不利用伦敦银行间拆放款利率(或其他IBOR)基准利率进行贸易输入或处理. 公司活动活动, agents of securities issuers provide 直接转矩 with the numerical rate to be paid out to the holders of record. 利率的推导及其基础基准, 如果适用的话, 这些功能不是由直接转矩提供的吗.
存已经完成了对潜在影响的内部审查, 并确定有非常有限的区域, 关系和接触点. 存不消耗伦敦银行间拆放款利率指数,也不创建基于伦敦银行间拆放款利率的计算.
- RDS: Trade repositories – 存 operates Global Trade 存储库 (GTR) services through a number of licensed or registered trade repositories in various jurisdictions. Certain transactions required to be reported through trade repositories may contain the underlying reference rate (IBOR or RFR). It is the role of the reporting parties and their agents to determine if the submitted positions need to be amended for any IBOR transition and to take the necessary steps to amend or modify the reported positions. GTR将不会进行任何数据更新. T在这里 are several industry working groups that are discussing these issues with participants and regulators, GTR正在酌情参加这些工作组.
- 贸易信息仓库(TIW): 存’s TIW provides post-trade processing for credit derivatives that have been electronically confirmed or cleared. 这些交易都不涉及ibor,也不涉及TIW.
- 国际旅游业伙伴关系:参考利率被用作提交给中医和TradeSuite进行回购交易的信息. 已经添加了新的rfr. 不期望对遗留事务进行任何必要的修改. 对OASYS、GMEI或警报没有影响.
Certain Members and Participants that are subject to the jurisdiction of the 美国 under Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) regulations are required to provide 存 with a “Confirmation of an OFAC Program” (“OFAC Confirmation”) every two years. 这些包括U.S. 美国存托信托公司(“直接转矩”)的参与者和质押人.S. 美国国家证券结算公司(“NSCC”)的会员和有限会员.S. 政府证券部门的成员,和美国.S. 固定收益结算公司按揭证券部的参与者.
OFAC确认的目的是提供证据,证明美国.S. Member or Participant (i) has the primary relationship with the clients for whom it is conducting activity through 直接转矩, NSCC, or FICC; and (ii) has implemented a risk-based program reasonably designed to comply with applicable OFAC sanctions and regulations.
OFAC合规官, Chief 合规 Officer or other individual with responsibility for managing the OFAC compliance program for U.S. 会员及参加者必须在OFAC确认书到期当日或之前更新确认书.
Members and Limited Members that fail to provide the electronic confirmation of an OFAC Program on or before the expiration date will be subject to a $5,罚款000.
The Self-Service Customer Confirmation (OFAC Web Confirmation) web application (accessible via the 存 Portal provided by Relationship Management) allows U.S. Members and Participants to renew their confirmations electronically rather than by submitting a hard copy confirmation. 自助服务客户确认(也允许U.S. 会员及参赛者须在一份意见书中为一个或多个法人实体提供确认书, 查看提交的历史, 阅读并打印一份已签署的确认书. 只有指定的OFAC合规官或美国的指定人员.S. 会员或参加者可透过OFAC确认网页申请更新确认. 联合国访问协调员.S. 成员或参与者可为申请注册OFAC合规官.
Members and Participants that do not have an Access Coordinator should contact their Relationship Manager.
有关OFAC项目确认规则的问题, 拨打存合规热线212-855-8030.
存 is firmly committed to preserving the safety and soundness of its operations and protecting its reputation in the global financial community. 存 also acknowledges its important role in furthering efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. 支持这些努力, 并遵守法律和监管义务, 存建立了KYC计划.
The primary objective of 存’s KYC Program is to provide a risk-based approach for the collection of sufficient information and documentation to know its customers and the customers of its subsidiaries, 按照U的要求.S. 以及国际反洗钱法规. 存 KYC计划包括实施客户识别计划(“CIP”), 进行客户尽职调查(“CDD”), 加强尽职调查(EDD), (统称为“了解您的客户”或“KYC”)). The collection of KYC information and documentation is intended to identify and mitigate 反洗钱 (“AML”) risk posed by entities applying to be customers and existing customers of 存 to help facilitate the detection and identification of unusual or potentially suspicious activity. 为了准确评估存现有客户的“反洗钱”风险, 存还进行持续的KYC审查.
Applicants to 存’s subsidiaries are requested to provide the necessary KYC information during the onboarding process. This information is periodically refreshed using a process that may involve reaching out to existing clients, 通过电子邮件, 确认现有数据或提供必要的更新. 现有会员及参加者须通知本会, 及时地, 商业变化, 其中包括对成员或参与者组织结构的更改, 所有权, 或者控制人员.
罚款 & 豁免
Rules for Participants and Members at the various 存 clearing agencies are set forth in the following documents:
In compliance with the disciplinary requirements of Section 17A (b) (3) (G) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; the notice requirements of 12 C.F.R. § 208.32; as well as the 清算 Agency Rules and Trade 存储库 Rulebooks/Procedures defined in the listed documents above, 违反这些规则可能导致警告通知或罚款. 以警告通知书或罚款通知书的形式通知参加者或会员, 通过电子邮件, 在确认违规行为后的10个工作日内. 可能导致罚款的违规行为包括:
- 不能按时结算
- 延迟确认交易和头寸变化
- 未及时提供所需的清算资金
- 参加者未能按时完成每月的职位确认
- 未及时提供财务报告
- Failure to provide timely notice regarding business and/or financial changes (including Statutory Disqualification)
- 未及时更新OFAC项目确认书
- 未能及时更新网络安全计划的确认
如罚款通知书所示, 与会者和会员可对罚款提出异议,要求免除罚款或举行听证会. 必须提出豁免请求, 以书面形式, 在收到罚款函之日起五个工作日内. 如果收到警告通知或罚款信, 如有任何问题或进一步详情,请参阅具体通知中的联系信息.
本声明是代表存衍生品储存库PLC(“DDRL”)作出的。, 存欧洲有限公司(“DEL”)和存托信托 & 清算公司
(“存”), (在一起, “公司”),1根据《vns6060威尼斯城官网》(“法案”)第54条,vns6060威尼斯城官网
the steps taken to combat modern slavery and human trafficking occurring within supply chains in relation to the
存的子公司受到许多监管机构的监督和监督. 直接转矩, NSCC, and FICC were also designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) as “systemically important financial market utilities” under Title VIII of Dodd-Frank in 7月y 2012.
U.S. 美国证券交易委员会
- 国家证券结算公司
- 固定收益结算公司(FICC)
- 存托信托公司(直接转矩)
- 存 国际旅游业伙伴关系配对(美国)有限公司
- 存数据存储库(U.S.)有限责任公司
- 存 Data 存储库 (Singapore) PTE Ltd
- 存衍生品库PLC
- 存 国际旅游业伙伴关系(英国)有限公司
- 存数据存储库(U.S.)有限责任公司
- 存 国际旅游业伙伴关系配对(美国)有限公司
- 固定收益结算公司
- 存 国际旅游业伙伴关系配对(加拿大)有限公司
- 存 国际旅游业伙伴关系配对(加拿大)有限公司
- 存数据存储库(U.S.)有限责任公司
- 固定收益结算公司(FICC)
U.S. 商品期货交易委员会
- 存 Data 存储库 (Singapore) PTE Ltd.
- 爱尔兰存数据存储库
- 国家证券结算公司
- 固定收益结算公司
- 固定收益结算公司(FICC)
- 存数据存储库(爱尔兰)PLC
联系合规热线:+1-212-855-8030或 (电子邮件保护)